St. Wilfrids
Address: 2340 Southcott Rd.
City: Pickering, ON
More Details:
St. Wilfrid's located behind St. Wilfrid Catholic School. This diamond is in a subdivision south and east of Brock Road and Concession 3. You must go through the subdivsion to access it. Turn east from Brock Road on to Concession 3, then south into the subdivision. The diamond is visible from Brock Road.
City: Pickering, ON
More Details:
St. Wilfrid's located behind St. Wilfrid Catholic School. This diamond is in a subdivision south and east of Brock Road and Concession 3. You must go through the subdivsion to access it. Turn east from Brock Road on to Concession 3, then south into the subdivision. The diamond is visible from Brock Road.